We're re-grouping after a busy Saturday morning of sport played at various points all over the Midlands. The nine year old scored his first rugby try today. Such glory.

The boys + friend were all starving by the time we got home and I felt like a TV Chef as I threw together my secret weapon of Fridge-to-Table-in-15 minutes, namely Antonia Carluccio's Spaghetti Carbonara.

It's far simpler to make than you think, infinetly scale-able and has only a couple of ingredients: Pancetta (or some good bacon) a couple of free range eggs (1 per person + extra yolk) spaghetti, some Parmesan or pecorino cheese and black pepper. I rarely used to make Cabonara as I thought one needed cream and so the video was a revelation.

The boys hoover up huge bowls of the stuff with lashings of Parmesan grated over. It never fails to hit the spot. I always feel a tiny bit Mama Goodess after I've plonked this on the table and coo-ee'd for the boys.

I therefore share with you my secret in the public interest.

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Maira Gall